Income Tax Debt
Offer in Compromise
Installment Agreement
Innocent Spouse
Audit Reconsideration
If you find yourself owing income tax you cannot afford to pay, I may be able to help you obtain temporary or permanent relief. There are many non-lawyers who advertise their ability to negotiate a tax settlement for “pennies on the dollar.” However, each taxpayer’s situation is unique, and such promises are often unfounded. While no lawyer can guarantee a result, I will not take a fee from you unless I believe we have a reasonable likelihood of success. I've helped many Gwinnett taxpayers and businesses with their income tax debts and would love to help you as well.
Estate Planning
Advance Directive
Power of Attorney
Preparing a will allows you to provide for the needs of your family members, charities and other individuals and entities after your death. Advance Directives and Powers of Attorney can help ensure that your end of life decisions are carried out in the manner you decide. It is not only individuals with a high net worth who have a need for a Last Will and Testament. Whatever your situation, I can work with you to accomplish your specific goals.
Business Law
Contract Preparation
Review and Negotiation
Employment Law
Business Formation
Business Dissolution
Breach of Contract
Debt Collection
As a small business owner myself, I understand the need to keep costs at a minimum. I also understand that quality legal counsel is essential. I will work with you to reach the best resolution in the most affordable fashion.